Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Brooke's Birthday Celebration at school

Miss Brooke celebrated her birthday the whole month of April!! Mrs. Baird, her teacher, celebrates all birthday's for the month the last Friday of that month. It was Brooke's and Noah's birthday in April. I ask Mrs. Baird what she wanted me to bring. She said Little Debbie treats would be good. I took that as please keep it simple and easy. Brooke was very upset because she wanted a cake or cupcakes. She said that Mrs. Baird had a knife and she would cut it and serve it!! I tried to explain that Mrs. Baird really did not want to have to do that. Anyways, I'm laying in bed one night thinking how can I make her happy and try to keep it easy for Mrs. Baird. Sooooo, I came up with a Little Debbie cake. Luckily I found colors that would work for a girl and boy. One side had red candles for Brooke and the other blue for Noah. They each had their own Happy Birthday sign. All Mrs. Baird had to do is lift each cake and serve!!!!!

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